About Us!
Community Insurance Information Center (CIIC) was established in 1978 as a result of public meetings held in Milwaukee which focused on the debate over redlining in the central city. Attending those meetings was a man named Robert Doucette, founder and president of Milwaukee Insurance Group.
Mr. Doucette decided the insurance industry needed a way to provide the central city with an outlet for questions, concerns and consumer education. So he had his insurance company set up the Community Insurance Information Center (CIIC), which was one of the first of its kind in the country.
To this day, CIIC's mission remains not only promoting a better understanding of insurance and insurance products, but also identifying insurance related problems in the community and serving as a consumer advocate.
Our education outreach efforts include providing speakers for homeownership seminars, one-on-one counseling with individual consumers, serving as insurance resource for nonprofit counselors and participation on local committees and boards.
CIIC is fully funded by the Wisconsin Insurance Alliance, which is a consortium of every major insurance company doing business in the state. In addition, CIIC is recognized by the state's Office of the Commissioner of Insurance as an industry consumer education agency and has OCI's ongoing full support.