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CIIC Quarterly E- Newsletter March 2021
As we embrace what is now known as the new norm from COVID19, life as we once knew will most likely never be the same. However, things change, life change, as well as insurance rates. Featured in this newsletter, there are money saving tips to help reduce insurance premiums, best insurance companies for teen drivers, safe driving information and a list of some of our community partners/resources.

Tips and Ideas for Cutting Car Insurance Costs
Multiple Discounts:
Most insurance companies offer multi-vehicle and multi-product discount, for people living in the same household and blood related or by marriage. ​
Safe Driving Cuts Cost:
Being a safe driver in today's world of increasing distractions, requires mindful thinking while driving, which will help reduce accident and ​moving violation.
Defensive Driving Course:
Some insurance companies will offer discounts for those who complete an approved defensive driving course and possible reduction on driving ​points.
Shop Around for Better rates:
Consider shopping​ around and getting quotes from other insurance companies at least every year or two. Compare rates, features and benefits however, less is not always best.
Increase Deductibles:
​Deductible is the amount of money you pay before your insurance company pay's if an event occurs or damage to your auto. Most consumers have a $250 to $1000 deductible. Therefore the lower the deductible the more you pay in premium but higher deductible the less you pay in premium.
Pay as You Go Insurance:
​Pay as you go also known as "Black Box Insurance", allows your insured to track your driving through a telemetric device installed in your car. ​
Additional Discounts Could Include
Membership ​
Pay in full
Good Student​
Schedule a personal insurance review with your agent today and discuss these tips, there could be more money saving tips..Call your agent...

Drive Safe Milwaukee!
Did you know that excessive speeding and reckless driving has reached epic proportions in Milwaukee? Therefore a call to action is needed because lives matters. The action "Coalition for Safe Driving MKE".
​​The Coalition for Safe Driving MKE is a grass-root community-based group of community members, leaders and residents who are concerned with making the city of Milwaukee's streets and roads safe for both pedestrians and drivers.
Mission: To sustain a campaign of awareness about safe driving by educating the community, collaborating with partners and stakeholders and advancing a broad impact strategic plan to reduce reckless driving in Milwaukee County.
Join the cause support the change!
Best Car Insurance Companies for Teens
Many factors come into play when auto insurance companies are determining insurance rates. One of the largest factors is driver's age, with teens and young adults under 25. Here are some of the best rated insurance companies for teen drivers:
Erie Insurance
State Farm
Progressive Insurance
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